Corporate Governance and Compliance

Compliance system

We are working proactively to strengthen our compliance management as a priority management issue in order to manage the Company in conformity with laws and regulations and corporate ethics, and fulfill our social responsibilities.
We have established a Compliance Committee, with the representative director serving as chairman. Under this committee, surveys and verifications of all corporate activities are conducted regularly from the legal and corporate ethical standpoints. Furthermore, the Kanadevia Group has established the Kanadevia Group Charter of Ethical Behavior as an ethical behavior guidelines to be observed by all the directors and employees of the Group. By educating all directors and employees, the Group is aiming to improve awareness of legal compliance and promote the maintenance of a high standard of corporate ethics. At the same time we have established a whistle-blowing system to enable employees to consult with/report to an external consultant so that we can promptly and effectively prevent, detect, and address any legal violations.

Kanadevia Group Charter of Ethical Behavior

  1. 1Compliance with Laws and Social Norms

    We comply with our internal rules including corporate philosophy, corporate procedures and employment rules as well as domestic and foreign laws, regulations, social norms and their spirit.

  2. 2Supply of Safe, Secure Products and Services

    We take the utmost effort to supply safe, secure products and services in all our business activities.

  3. 3Active Transmission of Corporate Information

    We extensively transmit our corporate information to society as well as to our stakeholders to promote understanding on our businesses.

  4. 4Environment Protection

    We seek to utilize renewable energy, save resources and energy, recycle and reuse in all our business activities and take good care of the environment to realize sustainable society.

  5. 5Coexistence with Society

    We, as a “good corporate citizen”, show respect for good domestic and foreign cultures and customs, co-exist with society generally and regional communities, and seek to contribute to society according to our respective positions.

  6. 6Fair, Transparent and Free Competition

    We pursue reasonable profits through fair competition complying with business laws and regulations including Antimonopoly Act (competition law), which are applicable worldwide.

  7. 7No Contact with Antisocial Forces

    We have no contact with forces which threaten the safety of any members of society.

  8. 8Refraining from Excessive Entertainment and Gifts

    We refrain from giving and receiving entertainment or gifts which go beyond common sense both in amount and frequency.

  9. 9Prohibition of Insider Trading

    In the event we learn undisclosed important information related to the listed company which could influence the stock price, we do not trade stocks of such company.

  10. 10Respect for Human Dignity

    We seek to eliminate any harassment and discrimination about nationality, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and the like and respect individual human rights.

  11. 11Distinction between Public and Private Matters

    We draw a line between public and private matters and carry out our duties with rectitude and sincerity.

  12. 12Preservation of Confidentiality

    We appropriately protect personal information and confidential information held by our company, and also preserve all confidential information of any third party which becomes known to us in the course of business.

UK Tax Strategy

Human Rights Policy

Our company and our subsidiaries (collectively, our “Group"), recognize the importance of respect for human rights among people affected by global business activities, and in order to further promote efforts to respect human rights and fulfill its responsibilities, our Group hereby establish the Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, the “Policy") based on the concept of "Respect for Human Dignity " as stipulated in our Group Charter of Ethical Behavior. Our Group respect the "International Bill of Human Rights" and the "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and promote efforts to respect human rights. As a company that signs the United Nations Global Compact, our Group respect the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

  1. 1Scope

    This Policy applies to the officers and employees of our Group. The term "officers and employees" shall mean directors, corporate auditors, and other executives and employees (including contract employees and temporary employees) of our Group. Our Group will also encourage all stakeholders, including our supply chain, to understand this Policy and endeavor to respect human rights.

  2. 2Respect for human rights

    Our Group will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries or regions in which we operate. In the event of a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of each country or region, we will pursue a course of action which fully respect the internationally recognized human rights. Our Group also recognizes that the following human rights initiatives are an important element of respect for human rights.
       Discrimination and harassment
          We will respect the diversity of individuals and will not engage in any discrimination or harassment, nor will we accept such discrimination.
       Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
          We will respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
       Forced labor and child labor
          We will not engage nor accept any forced labor or child labor.
       Working hours, wages, and occupational health and safety
          We will comply with the laws and regulations applicable to working hours and wages. We shall strive to the create a safe and a healthy working environment.

  3. 3Human Rights Due Diligence

    Our Group will conduct human rights due diligence to identify, prevent and mitigate negative human rights impacts. In order to effectively address the negative impact on human rights, our Group will continuously examine the methods and effects of implementing human rights due diligence.

  4. 4Remedies

    If it becomes clear that our Group has caused or has been involved in a negative human rights impact, our Group will promptly rectify and remedy it through appropriate procedures. Our Group will also strive to establish and operate an effective complaint handling system.

  5. 5Education

    Our Group will continue to educate and enlighten officers and employees on respect for human rights so that this Policy can be implemented.

  6. 6Dialogue

    Our Group will engage in sincere dialogue and discussions with relevant stakeholders regarding actual and potential negative impacts on human rights.

  7. 7Disclosure

    Our Group will disclose the progress and results of our efforts to respect human rights on our website and other media.