Basic Policy on the environment

Basic Policy on the environment

On order to promote activities to protect not only the regional environment, as in the past, but also the global environment, in January 1992, Kanadevia formulated a set of Environmental Protection Promotion Regulations, comprising Basic Environmental Protection Policies and Behavior Guidelines.

Basic Environmental Protection Policies

At Kanadevia, we are conscious of our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. We know that a global approach to tackling environmental issues is an essential condition for building relationships of trust and coexistence with society. We will work to promote environmental protection, recognizing that protection of the natural and living environments in local communities is our social responsibility as a company.

Behavior Guidelines

  1. 1Continuously improve the environmental management system and respond accurately to environmental risks.
  2. 2Actively address environmental issues at the global level as a member of global society and strive to protect the global environment.
  3. 3Observe laws, regulations, and ordinances related to environmental protection.
  4. 4Actively promote conservation of energy and resources, as well as recycling, and respond to the needs of a recycling-oriented society.
  5. 5Strive to protect the natural and living environments around the Company’s business sites.
  6. 6Actively cooperate with and participate in environmental protection activities conducted by global society and local communities.