Terms of Use

This website is operated by Kanadevia Corporation and its group companies (hereafter referred to as the "Company").
Prior to using this website, please read the terms of use below and use this website only when agreeing to these terms.
As there may be cases where the terms of use of this website may be changed without notice, the Company requests that users confirm the latest contents.

Website Policy


Although the Company takes extreme care when posting on this website, the Company makes no warranty for the accuracy, timeliness, security, etc. of the posted information. Additionally, the Company shall bear no liability with respect to any damages, including damage suffered by computers and networks, regardless of whether direct or indirect, suffered due to the use of this website, such as malfunctions, etc. caused by erroneous information and downloaded data as well as due to alterations of data by a third party.

There may be cases when the information on this website is changed, revised or deleted without notice. Additionally, there may be cases when the operations of this website are interrupted or suspended. Users are requested to consent in advance to such cases. The Company shall bear no liability regardless of the grounds for any damages suffered due to changes in information and operations of this website as well as due to the interruption or suspension of the operations.

Investor relations information posted on this website is for the purpose of providing corporate information concerning the Company and is not for the purpose of soliciting investments, etc. in the Company. Additionally, the Company makes no warranty in respect to the posted content. We request that the final decision relating to investments be made based on the judgment of users themselves.


  1. 1The following acts are prohibited when using this website.
  2. 2Acts which infringe or risk infringing the privacy or assets of a third party or this Company.
  3. 3Acts which cause or risk causing damage or which are prejudicial to a third party or the Company.
  4. 4Acts which infringe or risk infringing public order and morals.
  5. 5Criminal acts, acts linked to criminal acts, or acts which are in risk thereof.
  6. 6Making false applications or notices, such as registering the e-mail address of another person.
  7. 7Acts for the purpose of commercial activities or commercial gain or acts for the purpose of preparing for such activities.
  8. 8Acts which damage the reputation or credibility of a third person or the Company.
  9. 9Acts which use or provide or risk using or providing harmful programs, such as computer viruses.
  10. 10Otherwise acts which breach or risk breaching laws, regulations or ordinances.
  11. 11Otherwise acts judged inappropriate by the Company.


Copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights relating to the information, content, trademarks, logos, etc. posted on this website are, as a general rule, owned by the Company unless otherwise specifically noted.

The use, such copying, public transmission, modification, re-use or sale, etc., of said intellectual property rights exceeding the scope of individual private usage or as otherwise recognized pursuant to the Copyright Act is prohibited unless the prior permission of the Company has been obtained.


The content of websites of third parties other than the Company linked from this website or linked to this website are administered at the responsibility of these respective companies and are not under the administration of the Company. The Company shall bear no responsibility with respect to the content of said third party websites or with respect to any damages suffered due to the use of these.

This website may be freely linked to without the prior permission of the Company, subject only to agreement to the terms below.

  • The link is not for the purpose of commercial gain, solicitation, or slandering or damaging the credibility of the Company.
  • The link is not a website which posts content which is illegal and deviates from socially-accepted norms or risks infringing public order and morals.
  • Is not a link to this website which suggests the creation of any relationship of rights and obligations with the Company.
  • When judged inappropriate by the Company, the relevant link shall be immediately deleted.

The Company shall bear no responsibility with respect to claims for indemnification or other complaints or demands from a third party in relation to the referrer link. Additionally, the Company makes no warranty relating to the content of the referrer link.

5.Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

The use of this website and the application and interpretation of these terms of use shall be governed by the laws of Japan unless otherwise specifically provided for. Additionally, the Osaka District Court shall be, unless otherwise specifically provided for, the exclusive court of jurisdiction in the first instance with respect to all disputes relating to the use of this website.


The content on this website includes PDF, videos, and animation. In order to enjoy this site to the full we recommend the following plug-ins and software.

  • *A plug-in is an external software application that enhances functions and which is not provided in standard web browsers.